Payment Info

  Frequently Asked Questions

For getting paid, you will need to verify your identity with Stripe, they create and handle your payment account and private details, by doing this, we are safely offloading the security of your data and finances, to Stripe which is a highly trusted service provider, they offer direct bank deposits and prompt settlement of funds to our content creators.

You will be required to complete an identity verification with them, we will then receive a “onboarding completed” status from them, which will in turn allow you to start setting up your account for taking payments and creating subscriptions.

Chargebacks and Fraudulent Transactions are responsible by the end user (yourself), we will however defend them on your behalf, we provide the required evidence to defend them as well as possible.
Do note, Stripe as per most payment processors have a Chargeback fee which is returned in case the Chargeback is successfully defended, an average is £20, this is exactly the same as if you had your own payment gateway, the only difference being, we are involved in defending them rather than having to submit the evidence yourself, we don’t charge for this!

When you are at a stage of creating Access Tiers for your subscriptions/content, please ensure you use the same currency throughout, this will eliminate confusion for your subscribers.

Also provided by Stripe is the checkout, your subscribers will be pleased that their payment info does not actually touch our servers, when entering card details, they are filling a form in directly on Stripe’s secure servers, we never want or have a need to view anyone’s payment details, all we will get back is an authorised/rejected status from them, the last 4 digits and an expiry date, that satisfies us from a security standpoint.

Your personal details are very limited to us, again, Stripe handles onboarding and identity verification, this again is a huge security bonus as your private details do not touch our servers.

Our fees are some of the lowest around, as other platforms, Stripe payment fees are on top, they vary by location/currency and typically within the few % range, view the following link for details.

Payouts are daily, there is a rolling 7day period set via Stripe, meaning that as soon as subscribers start subscribing to your content, on the 8th day, payouts will start and follow every day beyond that.